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Rohit Khare

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

Hi -- I'm over on crowdvine at http://sgfoocamp08.crowdvine.com/profiles/9388 ; at UC Irvine at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~rohit ; and used to be involved with CommerceNet and the microformats.org efforts most recently.


I'm here to learn and share about link analysis and social network relevance analysis. I just implemented an approach I wrote about few years back at http://KudoRank.com/


In particular, if you install our facebook app at http://HotShotsGame.com and wait a few hours, you can visit these two behind-the-scenes urls to see how your social network weights break down and see the top-recommended photos for you:


http://apps.facebook.com/hotshots/kudorank.php and http://apps.facebook.com/hotshots/kudorank_photos.php



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