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Social Graph Foo Camp (wiki password is c4mp)

(wiki password is c4mp)

February 1-3, 2008

**O'Reilly's Campus in Sebastopol, CA



We've invited about 70 Friends Of O'Reilly (aka Foo), people who're doing interesting works around social networking, the social graph, and technologies for data portability. We'll have some planned activities, but much of the agenda will be determined by you. We'll provide space, electricity, a wireless network, and a wiki. You bring your ideas, enthusiasms, and projects. We all get to know each other better, and hopefully come up with some cool ideas about how to change the world.


Like past FooCamps which O'Reilly organized, a Foo Camp is as good as participants make it. Be prepared to lead or participate in a session, ask interesting questions, show off what you're working on, and generally leave your mark on the weekend. It's a little like Burning Man in that there are no spectators, only participants (much less dust, however). People sometimes ask "what can I do to be invited back" and your best bet is to make a (positive) impression by engaging and presenting.


Be Prepared to Demo or Speak


We'll put the program together on Friday evening at about 7:30pm, so if you want to lead a session, sign up for a slot then. Don't worry if you arrive late, there should be enough sessions to go around. We'll have a variety of spaces–conference rooms and open areas. Several of the rooms have projectors, but we could use more, so if you have one to lend, do bring it along. For more information about past Foo Camps, Tim has posted "Why Foo Camp" and there are tips from past campers.



Plan on arriving Friday afternoon (4ish) and leaving mid-day Sunday. There will be heavy traffic on 101N starting at 3pm (or before), especially if it's raining as forecasted. Leave early to avoid the worst of it.


An updating calendar of the presentation schedule is available at http://adactio.com/extras/schedules/sgfoocamp08/|here].



Generally people will "camp" at O'Reilly's campus either outside in tents or throughout their offices/cubicles in sleeping bags. http://wiki.oreillynet.com/foocamp07/index.cgi?WhatToBring is a good reference too.



The following companies (beyond O'Reilly donating their awesome campus) are helping to make SG Foo possible.


Rides Needed

  • Joel Longtine (joel at socialthing dot com) to SFO on Friday morning/noon (flight leaves at 3:40p) Heading out with Andy Denmark around 8:30a-9a
  • Steve Ivy (SMF @ 5:45pm)
  • Stephen Paul Weber (SFO @ 11:00AM)
  • Chris Saad - would love a ride from SF please! Heading in with Eran, Blain etc
  • Ben Smith (BBC) - would also love a ride from SF
  • Leslie Chicoine - would dig a ride from SF, will bring cupcakes on demand
  • Tom Scott - is hoping there's a ride from SF Travelling up with Thomas Huhn
  • Gavin Bell would love a ride from San Francisco on Friday afternoon thank, travelling with Mark Atwood
  • Matt Biddulph needs a ride to/from SF
  • Scott Kveton needs a ride *back* to SF (or SFO)
  • Dan Brickley (danbri) would love a ride from San Fran on Friday (arriving SFO thurs, if anyone fancies a beer in town too).
  • Ryan Sarver - needs a ride back to SF saturday night
  • Joseph Smarr - needs a ride back to Mountain View on Sunday
  • -Venky Veeraraghavan - needs a ride back to SFO (city or airport) leaving Sunday morning <12n -(found it, thanks)


Rides Available

  • Luke Shepard has found a car, and he's leaving from SF Saturday morning early (like 7am). anyone want a ride, email lshepard@gmail.com
  • Marc Smith (masmith@microsoft.com) leaving in 30 minutes, passing SFO around 12.30. Call 425.241.9105 prior to 12.30 to arrange a pickup.
  • Brian McCallister: Leaving Friday, time flexible, from Menlo Park (passing SFO)
  • Fred Stutzman: Departing from SFO at 3PMish
  • sgfoo@wuxx.com: Leaving Friday from SJC
  • Thomas Huhn: In SF from Wednesday on, --leaving Friday, time flexible, from hotel near Fisherman's Wharf, have 2 seats
  • Chris Mocko: Palo Alto, anytime! Only ask for good music, food, & convo...
  • Renny Gleeson - Safely Home
  • dbrodnitz@oreilly.com (Dan) -- leaving Alameda, CA Saturday morn. Could pick up in the east bay. Heading back home that night.
  • Terry Jones (terry@jon.es) - passing through SF (roughly Fremont & Market) at ~2pm. Room for 3. Send mail to arrange details.
  • Don MacAskill (don AT smugmug d0t com) - leaving Mountain View maybe noonish. Shotgun and small (BMW M3) back seat available.
  • Andy Denmark (denmark at gmail dot com) - planning to leave SF in the mid-afternoon (2-3pm), have "comfortable" room for two plus a hobbit or gear, just send me email if interested so we can coordinate meet/pick-up


Pre-Camp drinkup anyone?

If you are arriving to SF (or located in the area) and would like to have a pre-camp drinkup register below. We'll see if we have enough people that are interested.

  • Scott Kveton (arriving SF 4:00pm and meeting up with David)
  • David Recordon (in SF around SOMA)
  • Tom Scott (arriving Wednesday PM)
  • Thomas Huhn (arriving Tuesday late afternoon)
  • Mark Atwood (arriving Thursday evening)
  • Dan Brickley (just arrived here - north beach - from UK, it's 17:45... fighting jetlag ...) - is there a plan? are folk going on thu night? +44.777.2232865
  • Eran Sandler (finally at SF. Arrived at 18:30 to the hotel near Union Square. I look Jetleg in the eye and laugh loudly! I'm mostly online GTalk me at eran.sandler (at!) gmail . com)




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There is a Flickr group SGFOO2008.





If we all use the tag "sgfoo2008" for blog posts, photographs, and other tag folksonomy enabled sites, it will be easier for everyone to find each other's stuff about this event.


Blogging & otherwise recording SG Foo


We don't have a strict policy about blogging, but we do expect that if someone tells you something in confidence, you'll respect that confidence as if it were told to you under NDA. We call this frieNDA. Much of the free interchange that happens at a Foo Camp comes from people's confidence that they can tell each other things off the record, so please respect any request for privacy.


Foo Camp conversations tend to be a mixture of background check knowledge (here's what we're up to, here's a fact about X that you probably didn't already know) and private conversations (we tried X and it didn't work, we're going to compete against Y by doing Z). Be aware of this and confirm the status of a nugget before you blog or write up something you heard.


We'd rather not have the sessions recorded or live-blogged. We're hoping to encourage spontaneous conversation, and the idea that someone is recording can act as an inhibitor to that spontaneity.


If you want to do a detailed writeup on a presentation you attended, do check with the presenter, or in the case of a discussion, the participants. That being said, many sessions benefit from someone taking notes and making them available to others. So the point is really just to do what serves the group and the event. There's a big difference between recording what went on for the benefit of the participants, and turning your experience into a media event. We'd prefer that you write about SG Foo as a participant, not a reporter, and focus on your own experience of the weekend.


That said, there are so many interesting people and ideas at a Foo Camp that some kind of documentation seems desirable. At the last Foo Camp, Carl Malamud had the good idea to set up a video room away from the action, where we can film people talking about their sessions, what they've learned at Camp, and/or what they see coming down the road. We're going to do just that at SG Foo. More details at Camp about how to participate (it's voluntary, of course).


Confirmed Campers

Please help to keep the list sorted by name. Your name should link to your profile on the SG Foo Crowdvine. Format is:

name - interests (location [can be "city, state", "city, country", or "city" (for metros), or "latitude,longitude" (decimal degrees)])

(get those coordinates by finding your exact address on google maps then copy and paste this code into the browser bar: javascript:void(prompt('',gApplication.getMap().getCenter())); )



  1. Aaron Newton
  2. Aber Whitcomb
  3. Adam Smith - Xobni, data that's buried in your email, machine learning (San Francisco, CA)
  4. Allen Hurff
  5. Andy Denmark
  6. Ankur Shah
  7. Artur Bergman
  8. Barry Wellman
  9. Ben Smith - OAuth, radically decentralized social software, network as database, utility computing (BBC) (Seattle WA)
  10. Blaine Cook - OAuth, XMPP, Messaging-based architectures (San Francisco, CA)
  11. Brad Fitzpatrick
  12. Brady Forrest
  13. Brian Ellin
  14. Brian McCallister - distributed hackery, inaccurate and partial information, Ning, OpenSocial (Menlo Park, CA)
  15. Brian Oberkirch
  16. Cameron Marlow - Facebook, social media research, influence, diffusion (New York, NY)
  17. Chris Mocko - Young and restless
  18. Chris Saad - Co-founder- Faraday Media, DataPortability.org, APML.org, Media 2.0 Workgroup
  19. Add to address book Chris Messina, Citizen Agency - microformats, OpenID, hCard, OAuth, DiSo Project (San Francisco, CA)
  20. Christopher Allen social software blogger of Life With Alacrity, developed SSL-REF (the SSL 3.0 reference implementation), co-author of IETF RFC 2245 - TLS Protocol, and Identity Commons founding member.
  21. Christy Canida
  22. Dan Brickley
  23. Dan Brodnitz
  24. Danese Cooper - Social Butterfly, Open Source Diva (San Francisco, CA)
  25. Dare Obasanjo
  26. Dave Morin - Facebook Platform, Social Graph, Identity
  27. David Janes - lifestreaming, XMPP, rel-me and xfn, ownership
  28. David Recordon - OpenID, decentralized social networks, Perl (San Francisco, CA)
  29. Deb Schultz
  30. danah boyd (Los Angeles, CA)
  31. Danny Kolke - Etelos, Privacy, OpenID, Biz Asset Mgt vs. User Assets, App Distribution, App Syndication (Seattle-ish, WA)
  32. DeWitt Clinton
  33. Diego Doval
  34. Dirk Olbertz - NoseRub decentralised social networks - Bonn, Germany
  35. Don MacAskill - SmugMug, data portability, interoperability with other sites & apps (Mountain View, CA)
  36. Eran Hammer-Lahav - OAuth, OpenID, discovery, email identifiers, XRDS-Simple, URL normalization (South Orange, NJ)
  37. Eran Sandler - OAuth, OpenID, Federation vs. Centralization (Haifa, Israel 32.8146, 34.987035)
  38. Eric Wilhelm
  39. Evan Prodromou
  40. Eve Phillips
  41. Fred Stutzman - ClaimID, MicroID, research, teaching (Carrboro, NC)
  42. Gavin Bell social networks for scientists , long term identity, OAuth, OpenID, identity consolidation, a paper on identity and provenance (London, UK)
  43. Harrison Tang
  44. Jason Devitt
  45. Jeremy Keith - hCard, XFN, Social Network Portability, Lifestreams (Brighton, UK) Add to address book
  46. Jesse Robbins - Privacy, Freedom, Enterprise/Banking/Credit Union/Gov/MegaCorp Adoption, Operations, Emergency Management (Seattle, WA)
  47. Joel Longtine (Socialthing!) - Rails, Lifestreams, Graph Portability, Social APIs, FOAF, Microformats (Boulder, CO)
  48. Joseph Smarr - Friends-list portability, online identity consolidation, sync, OpenID, microformats, OAuth (Mountain View, CA)
  49. Josie Smith, professional relationship descriptions all in one forum (San Jose, CA)
  50. John DeeKellan Elliott-McCrea - OAuth, OpenID, decentralized discovery, casual privacy, fluffy clouds (San Francisco, CA)
  51. Kevin Marks
  52. Kim Cameron
  53. Kirsten Jones
  54. Larry Halff - OAuth, OpenID, Rails, decentralized social networks, social APIs (San Francisco, CA)
  55. Leah Culver
  56. Leslie Chicoine - experience design, ubicomp, kites (San Francisco, CA | (37.78116, -122.39366))
  57. Luke Shepard - social networking and technology on the campaign trail
  58. Marc Davis
  59. Marc Smith - Directed graph data sets, network visualizations, "hyperties" - mobile devices that sense other people, social roles (Redmond, WA)
  60. Matt Biddulph - OAuth, message-oriented APIs, Rails, locative, small pieces loosely joined (London, UK)
  61. Matt Brezina - Xobni
  62. Matt Tucker - social productivity, XMPP, enterprise 2.0 (Portland, OR)
  63. Matthew Rothenberg
  64. Mark Atwood - OAuth, radically decentralized social software, network as database, utility computing (Seattle WA)
  65. Mark Jacobsen
  66. Mark Paschal
  67. Mark Zuckerberg
  68. Michael Curtis
  69. Michael K. Loukides
  70. Mike Wells
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  72. Nathan Eagle - relationship inference, large-scale (100+M node) network analysis, mobile phone data, product diffusion (Santa Fe, NM / Boston, MA)
  73. Niall Kennedy - faceted personas, access control, programmability (San Francisco, CA 37.776142,-122.41293)
  74. Paul Buchheit
  75. Paul Lindner - Usability, OpenSocial, AtomPub, XMPP (San Francisco, CA)
  76. Ralph Meijer - XMPP, Publish-Subscribe, Federating Social Networks (Eindhoven, Netherlands)
  77. Randy Reddig
  78. Renny Gleeson - Wieden + Kennedy, On/Offline meshing, modularity, data portability, Interactive Branding, Mobility, trend diffusion, human realtionships
  79. Rabble - fire eagle, geo, ruby, rails, oauth
  80. Richard Kilmer - P2P, identity unification, deep/implicit desktop integration, CSCW, Ruby (Washington DC)
  81. Rob Dolin - social data aggregation, federating SNS's, pub/sub, social search, relevance from social graphs, online activism, respecting privacy (Seattle, WA)
  82. Rohit Khare - KudoRank:social graph link analysis to recommend news (pub/sub), microformats & protocols (more links)
  83. Ryan Sarver - geolocation on the web, locationaware.org, usability / interaction design
  84. Sara Winge
  85. Scott Kveton - OpenID, OAuth, DiSo, rabble-rousing (Corvallis, OR)
  86. Shelly Farnham
  87. Shreyas Doshi - OpenID, OAuth, OpenID+OAuth, Attribute exchange, event/activity streams standards (Mountain View, CA)
  88. Stephen Paul Weber - DiSo, microformats, OpenID (Ontario, Canada)
  89. Steve Ganz - microformats, XFN, professional relationship descriptions, social network portability (SNP), Lifestreams (San Jose, CA)
  90. Steve Ivy (redmonk.net)- DiSo, microformats, XFN, OpenID, social network portability (SNP), (Gilbert, AZ) Add to address book
  91. Add to address book Tantek Çelik - microformats, XFN, hCard, social network portability (SNP), identity consolidation, recent SNP preso, WikihCards (San Francisco, CA)
  92. Teresa Nielsen Hayden
  93. Terrell Russell - blog - claimID, MicroID, identity and expertise research (Chapel Hill, NC)
  94. Terry Jones - email: terry (AT-AT-AT) jon DOTDOTDOT es
  95. Thomas Huhn - integrating online social networks into everyday life: lifestrea.ms, data portability, OpenID, OAuth, Microformats, Diso, APML (KTown, Germany)
  96. Tim O'Reilly
  97. Tom Coates
  98. Tom Scott
  99. Tony Stubblebine
  100. Venky Veeraraghavan - Social Networking in the Enterprise, Social Network Portability, Expertise Finding, Identity and Claims
  101. Warren Sack - public media, social computing (Santa Cruz, CA)
  102. Will Aldrich




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